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2012~2016 Climate Technology Classification and Statistics on Climate Technology Industry

Publication : 19-03

조회 : 3235

Author : NIGT

[2012~2016 Climate Technology Classification and Statistics on Climate Technology Industry] 

○ Authors 

Chaewoon Oh, Jongyeol Lee, Changsun Jang, Daye Eom, Inhye Bak, Wona Lee, Kyung Nam Shin

○ Contents

1. Introduction
 1.1. Nationally Determined Contributions and the Paris Agreement
 1.2. Climate Technology Development and Transfer

2. Climate Technology Classification
 2.1. Research Background
 2.2. Research Objectives
 2.3. Research Methodology
 2.4. Literature Review
 2.5. Establishment on Climate Technology Classification (CTC) 

3. Statistics on Climate Technology Industry
 3.1. Purpose
 3.2. Research Background
 3.3. Data Collection and Methodology
 3.4. Results
 3.5. Conclusions - Implications of Climate Technology Industry Statistics 


Center for

Strategic Planning

  • Presonnel in chargeYu Youngjae         